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Ultimate Steel Mace Workout

Total Body Strength & Conditioning

The Ultimate Steel Mace Workout hosted by Aubrey Marcus is a complete full body mace workout, ideal to add to any athletic, strength, or weight loss regimen. Selection of mace weight along with the unique separation of the workout offers accessibility for complete novices, however taken as a whole the workout is nothing short of a gauntlet cast at the feet of any elite fitness barbarian. Mace training intrinsically offers advantages over linear training in employing power systems in full range of motion rather than fixed planes. The offset nature of the ball also requires intense stabilization, getting every fiber in your muscles to fire, much like in contact sports. The workout will push both cardio and power systems to the limit, while offering an active warmup and yoga cooldown to help keep you loose and healthy.

This is an intense full body workout, using an odd object. As with most functional training, variations in form and style should be expected and accounted for depending on one’s own physicality. Always use your own judgment, and be cognizant of your limits when performing these exercises.

High-Performance Exercises


  • History of The Mace
  • Technique Tutorials
  • Active Warmup

6 High Performance Workouts Including:

  • Clockwork
  • Warrior Maker
  • Bad to the Core
  • Legs Like Tree Trunks
  • Arm Yourself
  • Last Meal Ladder

+ No-Mat Yoga Flow Recovery

Andrew Craig

“This is a savage workout, plain and simple. It left me in a heap of sweat, and full body fatigue. I loved it!”

— Andrew Craig (MMA fighter)

Whitney Miller

“This workout gets the muscle groups that are really difficult to target, and gets me ripped like no other.”

— Whitney Miller (Miss United States 2012)

History of the Mace

Mace training dates back all the way to 13th century Persia, where the elite warriors and wrestlers of the day would train with the heavy Gada to condition their muscles for battle. The first Gada used in training were nothing more than stone attached to a bamboo staff, however when made for battle, the Gada were made often made of iron or bronze. Mace training continued into modern day India, where it began to trickle down into mainstream strongman training at the start of the 20th century. A recent resurgence in unconventional and functional training by elite athletes have put this ancient technique back on the forefront of cutting edge performance exercise.

Gear Up For the Ultimate Workout

Onnit Steel Maces in 7 – 25lb Weights


The Librarian to Barbarian steel mace workout plan is a full-body strength and conditioning program that gradually ramps up in intensity over the course of 4 weeks.  Designed for the novice to intermediate mace practitioner this is a challenging plan that will dramatically improve both your power and endurance.  The signature full mobility mace movements engage a dynamic core and shoulder girdle, and the offset nature of the weight recruits tiny stabilizer muscles ideal for a shredded appearance and functional competition.  This protocol utilizes workouts and methodologies found in Onnit’s Ultimate Steel Mace Workout DVD.

Week 1

Week 1

Week 1 Day 1

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Legs Like Tree Trunks
    1. 20 Squats Right
    2. 20 Plyo Lunges Right
    3. 25 Mace Deadlift Right
    4. 15 Reverse Lunges Right
    5. 20 Squats Left
    6. 20 Plyo Lunges Left
    7. 25 Mace Deadlift Left
    8. 15 Reverse Lunges Left
    9. 30 Thrusters
  3. Bad to the Core
    1. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
    2. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Right
    3. 15 Overhead Obliques Right
    4. 15 Windmills SS
    5. 15 Overhead Obliques Left
    6. 15 Windmills SS
    7. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Left
    8. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
  4. 360 and 10-2 Practice

Week 1

Day 2

  1. Joint Mobility Warmup
  2. Warrior Maker
    1. a20 Barbarian Squats
    2. 20 Gravediggers Right
    3. 20 Warrior Jousts Right
    4. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Right
    5. 20 Barbarian Squats
    6. 20 Gravediggers Left
    7. 20 Warrior Jousts Left
    8. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Left
    9. 20 Barbarian Squats
    10. Horse Stance Press Furious 10 Seconds PS
  3. Arm Yourself
    1. 20 Pushups on the Ball Left
    2. 20 Ballistic Curls
    3. 20 Shoulder Toss
    4. 20 Tricep Extensions
    5. 20 Pushups on the Ball Right
    6. 20 Ballistic Curls
    7. 20 Shoulder Toss
    8. 20 Tricep Extensions
    9. Clap Pushups to Failure
  4. 360 and 10-2 Practice

Week 1

Day 3

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Jog ¼ mile with Mace
  3. Last Meal Ladder
    1. 2 Slams* Right
    2. 2 Thrusters
    3. 4 Slams* Right
    4. 4 Thrusters
    5. 6 Slams Right
    6. 6 Thrusters
    7. 8 Slams* Right
    8. 8 Thrusters
    9. 5 Slams* Right
    10. 5 Slams* Left
    11. 10 Thrusters
    12. 8 Slams* Left
    13. 8 Thrusters
    14. 6 Slams* Left
    15. 6 Thrusters
    16. 4 Slams* Left
    17. 4 Thrusters
    18. 2 Slams* Left
    19. 2 Thrusters
    * Substitute burpees for slams if you have no tire.
  4. No Mat Yoga

Week 1

Day 4 - Rest

Week 1

Day 5

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Legs Like Tree Trunks
    1. 20 Squats Right
    2. 20 Plyo Lunges Right
    3. 25 Mace Deadlift Right
    4. 15 Reverse Lunges Right
    5. 20 Squats Left
    6. 20 Plyo Lunges Left
    7. 25 Mace Deadlift Left
    8. 15 Reverse Lunges Left
    9. 30 Thrusters
  3. Bad to the Core
    1. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
    2. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Right
    3. 15 Overhead Obliques Right
    4. 15 Windmills SS
    5. 15 Overhead Obliques Left
    6. 15 Windmills SS
    7. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Left
    8. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
  4. No Mat Yoga

Week 1

Day 6

  1. Joint Mobility Warmup
  2. Arm Yourself
    1. 20 Pushups on the Ball Left
    2. 20 Ballistic Curls
    3. 20 Shoulder Toss
    4. 20 Tricep Extensions
    5. 20 Pushups on the Ball Right
    6. 20 Ballistic Curls
    7. 20 Shoulder Toss
    8. 20 Tricep Extensions
    9. Clap Pushups to Failure
  3. 100 Slams 
  4. 360 and 10-2 Practice

Week 1

Day 7 - Rest

Week 2

Week 2

Week 2 Day 1

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Clockwork
    1. 20 10/2
    2. 20 Dragon lunges
    3. 20 10/2
    4. 20 Dragon lunges
    5. 20 10/2
    6.  20 Dragon lunges
    7. 15 360 Left Hand Left Shoulder
    8. 15 360 Right Hand Right Shoulder
  3. Warrior Maker
    1. 20 Barbarian Squats
    2. 20 Gravediggers Right
    3. 20 Warrior Jousts Right
    4. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Right
    5. 20 Barbarian Squats
    6.  20 Gravediggers Left
    7. 20 Warrior Jousts Left
    8. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Left
    9.  20 Barbarian Squats
    10.  Horse Stance Press Furious 10 Seconds PS
  4. Legs Like Tree Trunks
    1.  20 Squats Right
    2.  20 Plyo Lunges Right
    3.  25 Mace Deadlift Right
    4.  15 Reverse Lunges Right
    5.   20 Squats Left
    6.   20 Plyo Lunges Left
    7.  25 Mace Deadlift Left
    8.  15 Reverse Lunges Left
    9. 30 Thrusters

Week 2

Day 2

  1. Joint Mobility Warmup
  2. Arm Yourself
    1. 20 Pushups on the Ball Left
    2. 20 Ballistic Curls
    3. 20 Shoulder Toss
    4. 20 Tricep Extensions
    5. 20 Pushups on the Ball Right
    6.  20 Ballistic Curls
    7. 20 Shoulder Toss
    8. 20 Tricep Extensions
    9. Clap Pushups to Failure
  3. Bad to the Core
    1. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
    2. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Right
    3. 15 Overhead Obliques Right
    4. 15 Windmills SS
    5. 15 Overhead Obliques Left
    6. 15 Windmills SS
    7. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Left
    8. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
  4. Last Meal Ladder
    1. 2 Slams* Right
    2. 2 Thrusters
    3. 4 Slams* Right
    4. 4 Thrusters
    5. 6 Slams Right
    6. 6 Thrusters
    7. 8 Slams* Right
    8. 8 Thrusters
    9. 5 Slams* Right
    10. 5 Slams* Left
    11. 10 Thrusters
    12. 8 Slams* Left
    13. 8 Thrusters
    14. 6 Slams* Left
    15. 6 Thrusters
    16. 4 Slams* Left
    17. 4 Thrusters
    18. 2 Slams* Left
    19. 2 Thrusters
    * Substitute burpees for slams if you have no tire.

Week 2

Day 3

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Jog 1 mile with mace
  3. Stretch Cooldown

Week 2

Day 4 - Rest

Week 2

Day 5

  1. Joint Mobility Warmup
  2. Clockwork
    1. 20 10/2
    2. 20 Dragon lunges
    3. 20 10/2
    4. 20 Dragon lunges
    5. 20 10/2
    6. 20 Dragon lunges
    7. 15 360 Left Hand Left Shoulder
    8. 15 360 Right Hand Right Shoulder
  3. Arm Yourself
    1. 20 Pushups on the Ball Left
    2. 20 Ballistic Curls
    3. 20 Shoulder Toss
    4. 20 Tricep Extensions
    5. 20 Pushups on the Ball Right
    6. 20 Ballistic Curls
    7. 20 Shoulder Toss
    8. 20 Tricep Extensions
    9. Clap Pushups to Failure
  4. Bad to the Core
    1. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
    2. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Right
    3. 15 Overhead Obliques Right
    4. 15 Windmills SS
    5. 15 Overhead Obliques Left
    6. 15 Windmills SS
    7. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Left
    8. 50 Russian Canoe Touches

Week 2

Day 6

  1. Active Warmup
  2. 100 Slams Total
  3. 100 Shoulder Toss Total
  4. 100 Gravediggers Total
  5. No Mat Yoga

Week 2

Day 7 - Rest

Week 3

Week 3

Week 3 Day 1

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Warrior Maker
    1. 20 Barbarian Squats
    2. 20 Gravediggers Right
    3. 20 Warrior Jousts Right
    4. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Right
    5. 20 Barbarian Squats
    6. 20 Gravediggers Left
    7. 20 Warrior Jousts Left
    8. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Left
    9. 20 Barbarian Squats
    10. Horse Stance Press Furious 10 Seconds PS
  3. Legs Like Tree Trunks
    1. 20 Squats Right
    2. 20 Plyo Lunges Right
    3. 25 Mace Deadlift Right
    4. 15 Reverse Lunges Right
    5. 20 Squats Left
    6. 20 Plyo Lunges Left
    7. 25 Mace Deadlift Left
    8. 15 Reverse Lunges Left
    9. 30 Thrusters
  4. Bad to the Core
    1. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
    2. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Right
    3. 15 Overhead Obliques Right
    4. 15 Windmills SS
    5. 15 Overhead Obliques Left
    6. 15 Windmills SS
    7. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Left
    8. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
  5. Warrior Maker
    1. 20 Barbarian Squats
    2. 20 Gravediggers Right
    3. 20 Warrior Jousts Right
    4. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Right
    5. 20 Barbarian Squats
    6. 20 Gravediggers Left
    7. 20 Warrior Jousts Left
    8. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Left
    9. 20 Barbarian Squats
    10. Horse Stance Press Furious 10 Seconds PS

Week 3

Day 2

  1. Joint Mobility Warmup
  2. Clockwork
    1. 20 10/2
    2. 20 Dragon lunges
    3. 20 10/2
    4. 20 Dragon lunges
    5. 20 10/2
    6. 20 Dragon lunges
    7. 15 360 Left Hand Left Shoulder
    8. 15 360 Right Hand Right Shoulder
  3. Last Meal Ladder
    1. 2 Slams* Right
    2. 2 Thrusters
    3. 4 Slams* Right
    4. 4 Thrusters
    5. 6 Slams Right
    6. 6 Thrusters
    7. 8 Slams* Right
    8. 8 Thrusters
    9. 5 Slams* Right
    10. 5 Slams* Left
    11. 10 Thrusters
    12. 8 Slams* Left
    13. 8 Thrusters
    14. 6 Slams* Left
    15. 6 Thrusters
    16. 4 Slams* Left
    17. 4 Thrusters
    18. 2 Slams* Left
    19. 2 Thrusters
    * Substitute burpees for slams if you have no tire.
  4. Clockwork
    1. 20 10/2
    2. 20 Dragon lunges
    3. 20 10/2
    4. 20 Dragon lunges
    5. 20 10/2
    6. 20 Dragon lunges
    7. 15 360 Left Hand Left Shoulder
    8. 15 360 Right Hand Right Shoulder

Week 3

Day 3

  1. Active Warmup
  2. 10 Escalating 100 meter Sprints with Mace (shuttle runs, or suicides okay) - Start at 50% speed and escalate to 90% by end of the sprint.
  3. No Mat Yoga

Week 3

Day 4 - Rest

Week 3

Day 5

  1. Quick Warmup
  2. Clockwork
    1. 20 10/2
    2. 20 Dragon lunges
    3. 20 10/2
    4. 20 Dragon lunges
    5. 20 10/2
    6. 20 Dragon lunges
    7. 15 360 Left Hand Left Shoulder
    8. 15 360 Right Hand Right Shoulder
  3. Warrior Maker
    1. 20 Barbarian Squats
    2. 20 Gravediggers Right
    3. 20 Warrior Jousts Right
    4. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Right
    5. 20 Barbarian Squats
    6. 20 Gravediggers Left
    7. 20 Warrior Jousts Left
    8. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Left
    9. 20 Barbarian Squats
    10. Horse Stance Press Furious 10 Seconds PS
  4. Legs Like Tree Trunks
    1. 20 Squats Right
    2. 20 Plyo Lunges Right
    3. 25 Mace Deadlift Right
    4. 15 Reverse Lunges Right
    5. 20 Squats Left
    6. 20 Plyo Lunges Left
    7. 25 Mace Deadlift Left
    8. 15 Reverse Lunges Left
    9. 30 Thrusters
  5. Arm Yourself
    1. 20 Pushups on the Ball Left
    2. 20 Ballistic Curls
    3. 20 Shoulder Toss
    4. 20 Tricep Extensions
    5. 20 Pushups on the Ball Right
    6. 20 Ballistic Curls
    7. 20 Shoulder Toss
    8. 20 Tricep Extensions
    9. Clap Pushups to Failure
  6. Bad to the Core
    1. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
    2. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Right
    3. 15 Overhead Obliques Right
    4. 15 Windmills SS
    5. 15 Overhead Obliques Left
    6. 15 Windmills SS
    7. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Left
    8. 50 Russian Canoe Touches

Week 3

Day 6

  1. Active Warmup
  2. 100 Plyo Lunges
  3. 100 Alternating Plyo Pushups on the Ball
  4. 100 Shoulder Tosses
  5. No Mat Yoga

Week 3

Day 7 - Rest

Week 4

Week 4

Week 4 Day 1 - Full DVD

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Clockwork
    1. 20 10/2
    2. 20 Dragon lunges
    3. 20 10/2
    4. 20 Dragon lunges
    5. 20 10/2
    6. 20 Dragon lunges
    7. 15 360 Left Hand Left Shoulder
    8. 15 360 Right Hand Right Shoulder
  3. Warrior Maker
    1. 20 Barbarian Squats
    2. 20 Gravediggers Right
    3. 20 Warrior Jousts Right
    4. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Right
    5. 20 Barbarian Squats
    6. 20 Gravediggers Left
    7. 20 Warrior Jousts Left
    8. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Left
    9. 20 Barbarian Squats
    10. Horse Stance Press Furious 10 Seconds PS
  4. Legs Like Tree Trunks
    1. 20 Squats Right
    2. 20 Plyo Lunges Right
    3. 25 Mace Deadlift Right
    4. 15 Reverse Lunges Right
    5. 20 Squats Left
    6. 20 Plyo Lunges Left
    7. 25 Mace Deadlift Left
    8. 15 Reverse Lunges Left
    9. 30 Thrusters
  5. Arm Yourself
    1. 20 Pushups on the Ball Left
    2. 20 Ballistic Curls
    3. 20 Shoulder Toss
    4. 20 Tricep Extensions
    5. 20 Pushups on the Ball Right
    6. 20 Ballistic Curls
    7. 20 Shoulder Toss
    8. 20 Tricep Extensions
    9. Clap Pushups to Failure
  6. Bad to the Core
    1. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
    2. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Right
    3. 15 Overhead Obliques Right
    4. 15 Windmills SS
    5. 15 Overhead Obliques Left
    6. 15 Windmills SS
    7. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Left
    8. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
  7. Last Meal Ladder
    1. 2 Slams* Right
    2. 2 Thrusters
    3. 4 Slams* Right
    4. 4 Thrusters
    5. 6 Slams Right
    6. 6 Thrusters
    7. 8 Slams* Right
    8. 8 Thrusters
    9. 5 Slams* Right
    10. 5 Slams* Left
    11. 10 Thrusters
    12. 8 Slams* Left
    13. 8 Thrusters
    14. 6 Slams* Left
    15. 6 Thrusters
    16. 4 Slams* Left
    17. 4 Thrusters
    18. 2 Slams* Left
    19. 2 Thrusters
    * Substitute burpees for slams if you have no tire.
  8. No Mat Yoga

Week 4

Day 2 - Rest

Week 4

Day 3

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Run ½ Mile With Mace
  3. 10 Escalating 100m Sprints with Mace
  4. 3 Sets 30 Second Mace Plank Hold
  5. No Mat Yoga

Week 4

Day 4 - Rest

Week 4

Day 5 - Full DVD

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Clockwork
    1. 20 10/2
    2. 20 Dragon lunges
    3. 20 10/2
    4. 20 Dragon lunges
    5. 20 10/2
    6. 20 Dragon lunges
    7. 15 360 Left Hand Left Shoulder
    8. 15 360 Right Hand Right Shoulder
  3. Warrior Maker
    1. 20 Barbarian Squats
    2. 20 Gravediggers Right
    3. 20 Warrior Jousts Right
    4. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Right
    5. 20 Barbarian Squats
    6. 20 Gravediggers Left
    7. 20 Warrior Jousts Left
    8. 20 Twisted Sword Draw Left
    9. 20 Barbarian Squats
    10. Horse Stance Press Furious 10 Seconds PS
  4. Legs Like Tree Trunks
    1. 20 Squats Right
    2. 20 Plyo Lunges Right
    3. 25 Mace Deadlift Right
    4. 15 Reverse Lunges Right
    5. 20 Squats Left
    6. 20 Plyo Lunges Left
    7. 25 Mace Deadlift Left
    8. 15 Reverse Lunges Left
    9. 30 Thrusters
  5. Arm Yourself
    1. 20 Pushups on the Ball Left
    2. 20 Ballistic Curls
    3. 20 Shoulder Toss
    4. 20 Tricep Extensions
    5. 20 Pushups on the Ball Right
    6. 20 Ballistic Curls
    7. 20 Shoulder Toss
    8. 20 Tricep Extensions
    9. Clap Pushups to Failure
  6. Bad to the Core
    1. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
    2. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Right
    3. 15 Overhead Obliques Right
    4. 15 Windmills SS
    5. 15 Overhead Obliques Left
    6. 15 Windmills SS
    7. 20 90 Degree Toe Touch Press Left
    8. 50 Russian Canoe Touches
  7. Last Meal Ladder
    1. 2 Slams* Right
    2. 2 Thrusters
    3. 4 Slams* Right
    4. 4 Thrusters
    5. 6 Slams Right
    6. 6 Thrusters
    7. 8 Slams* Right
    8. 8 Thrusters
    9. 5 Slams* Right
    10. 5 Slams* Left
    11. 10 Thrusters
    12. 8 Slams* Left
    13. 8 Thrusters
    14. 6 Slams* Left
    15. 6 Thrusters
    16. 4 Slams* Left
    17. 4 Thrusters
    18. 2 Slams* Left
    19. 2 Thrusters
    * Substitute burpees for slams if you have no tire.
  8. No Mat Yoga

Week 4

Day 7 - Rest

Week 4

Day 7

  1. Active Warmup
  2. Joint Mobility Warmup
  3. 100 360
  4. 100 Barbarian Squats
  5. 100 Slams
  6. 100 Gravediggers
  7. 100 Ballistic Curls
  8. Stretch Cooldown