Workout Details
This is the Onnit Academy Workout of the Day. Today’s workout is mixed implement workout using the steel mace, kettlebell, sandbag, steel club, and medicine ball. It consists of 1 giant circuit of mixed implement training for a total of 5 rounds. This is #35 of a series of daily workouts, showing you exactly what we are doing at the Onnit Academy Gym in Austin, Texas.
Workout Instructions
Perform all exercises in group A as a giant circuit. Perform 1 minute of A1 then perform 1 minute of A2, A3, A4, and A5. Once done with all exercises in group A, rest and repeat for a total of 5 rounds until you are done with group A.
Record your total time in the comments section. The goal of this training session is General Physical Preparation and to increase your workout capacity.
A1. Steel Mace Split Stance Rows – 5 rounds x 1 min.
A2. Kettlebell Clean to Squat - 5 rounds x 1 min.
A3. Sandbag High Pulls - 5 rounds x 1 min.
A4. Steel Club Alt Pullovers - 5 rounds x 1 min.
A5. Medicine Ball Knees - 5 rounds x 1 min.