The kettlebell 2-Hand Clean Squat is a compound movement that combines a 2-Hand Clean with a Squat. The purpose is to smoothly transition between movements with one non-stop action that will force you to engage your entire body at once. Note that this movement is different from the Kettlebell Clean and Squat exercise which breaks down the drill into two distinct movements.
Exercise Steps
Step 1: Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and the kettlebell about a foot in front of you. Hike the kettlebell behind you like you would with a 2-Hand Swing.
Step 2: Once the kettlebell reaches the back of the swing, snap your hips forward driving the kettlebell between your legs. As it passes your frontal plane, pull your arms back as you would with a High Pull, let go of the handle, and catch the ball of the kettlebell. At the same time, drop into a squat position simultaneously, seeking to perform the catch at the moment that you reach the bottom of the squat.
Step 3: As soon as you catch the kettlebell and reach the bottom of the squat, stand up while simultaneously dropping the kettlebell and catching it by the handle with both hands. As it falls, hinge at your hips and perform another rep.
Tips & Safety: If you are unfamiliar with the 2-Hand Kettlebell Clean, perform several reps before attempting this exercise. Additionally, if you are uncomfortable with proper squat form, perfect the motion before attempting this exercise.